Celebrate the Summer Solstice

  • entry to the iconic mii amo grotto

One of the most beloved spaces at Mii amo, the Crystal Grotto is an ideal site for daily meditation and reflection. This circular space, with its earthen floor and domed ceiling, centers around a pedestal of petrified wood featuring a gentle fountain and an illuminated quartz crystal. Lit by an aperture overhead, it is designed so that once a year, on the summer solstice, a beam of sunlight strikes the crystal, connecting earth and sky.

June 20

Summer Solstice Celebration

The Summer Solstice signifies the time when the Earth is at the fullness of her strength, fertility, and abundance. It is a time to celebrate and feel gratitude for the abundance and revitalization on earth and within ourselves and our lives.

Summer Solstice Celebration & Guided Meditation
June 20th, Mii amo Crystal Grotto
11:30 am and 12:00 pm
Advanced Reservations Required