Celebrate the Winter Solstice

  • two people meditating in Mii amo Crystal Grotto

One of the most beloved spaces at Mii amo, the Crystal Grotto is an ideal site for daily meditation and reflection. This circular space, with its earthen floor and domed ceiling, centers around a pedestal of petrified wood featuring a gentle fountain and an illuminated quartz crystal.

December 21

Winter Solstice Celebration

Winter is a time to rest and retreat to the inner light within ourselves, a place of stillness to reflect on what we have learned through the cycles of this year. Representing the shortest day and the longest night of the year, Enchantment and Mii amo guests are invited to celebrate the Winter Solstice led by the Mii amo mindfulness team.

Winter Solstice Celebration & Guided Meditation
December 21st, Crystal Grotto
11:30 and 12:00 pm, Complimentary

Please reserve 24-hours in advance by calling 928.204.6101.