Heart Meditation
Heart Meditation Transcript
Hi. My name is Kim McDermott and I am a senior member of the Mindfulness Team here at Mii amo. Welcome to the Connecting to your Heart Meditation. This Heart Meditation invites you to turn your focus inward and embrace self-love.
Find a nice quiet place, and allow yourself to get comfortable, either on a chair, or a cushion on the floor. Now straighten your spine, close your eyes, and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and release any tension you are holding in your body and in your mind, surrender and open yourself to receive to all that is here for you in these moments and in this space. Allow yourself to go to that place within you, your beautiful heart center, this place that is your essence of you, your soul. Now begin to feel yourself sink further and further into the space beneath you and imagine a soft cloud of pure light and love embracing and supporting you, allowing yourself to let go even more, as you feel yourself to sink further into this soft space of loving light beneath you.
Now begin to imagine and feel a pure, beautiful loving light of energy, letting this amazing light of energy embrace you, then feeling and sensing this gentle loving light begin to fill you. Let this light begin relax your mind, feeling it fill your mind with this beautiful loving light letting go of all thoughts, moving down into your eyes, relaxing your eyes, this loving light moving down into your neck and your shoulders, feeling your shoulders relax, feeling so good to let go, as you connect deeper into this soft space of loving light below you, feeling like gentle soft hug around you, connecting deeper within yourself, feeling peaceful and calm, now feel this light moving down through your arms, into your palms, and fingertips, feeling the sensation inside your fingertips. Feel this beautiful gentle loving light begin to enter into your heart center, feeling your heart center open and expand, moving down into your belly, to your hips, your thighs feeling your thighs, your calves, ankles and into your feet and toes feeling the sensation inside of your toe-tips, feeling yourself sink further into the soft cloud of loving light beneath you, feeling yourself go deeper connecting even more into this deep state of connection as you continue to receive this gentle loving light of energy.
Now bring your focus into your heart. Let this gentle loving light of energy begin to flow into your beautiful heart where your essence and soul connect. Feeling this powerful energy of pure love begin to expand, flowing into your heart, sensing this gentle loving light filling you. Feelings of happiness, and peace within you as you connect deeper into your heart, your essence, your soul. As your heart opens wider, filling your beautiful heart with this love, feeling brighter as it expands, feeling acceptance and compassion for yourself, bringing forward the inner peace, light, and love that is there within you that is you, that is you. Dissolving any self-doubt, you may have of who you are, feeling your brilliant light, knowing, and believing you are worthy of the best that life has to offer you. Open your heart, having the awareness of your amazing light within you, loving your beautiful radiant self, and soul. Embracing this light as you connect with this pure love within you, feeling it shine inward as it expands your body, your mind, and your soul, feeling your radiant heart of and love shining outward, feeling so expansive, connecting deeper within your heart. Feel your heart open to this beautiful energy of love, warmth and compassion, and warmth within you. Feel and surrender to this Love. As you allow yourself to connect deeper into your heart and feeling this loving awareness and inner light within you. Now begin sense and feel the energy of these loving kind words into your beautiful radiant heart, your mind, body, and soul.
I love and accept myself completely.
I love myself deeply and easily.
Love flows to me and from within me.
I am enough.
I am lovable and my heart is open to receive and accept love.
I allow myself to feel my happiness and natural joy.
I allow myself to shine and feel my beautiful radiant light within me.
I am a beautiful and loving soul.
I feel this beautiful love for myself.
Continue to become, sense, and expand this love within you, and surrender to the gentle pure loving light in your heart, your essence your soul, feeling self- love, joy, gratefulness, inner peace, and warmth. Feeling your love, your amazing light and the feelings, the sense it brings to your body, your mind, your essence. Feeling lighter, brighter, more expansive, full of love for yourself, feeling it shine from your heart, continue to receive, and feel your loving heart and soul.
Let this loving light and energy work with you, feeling lighter, full of love and acceptance for yourself, feeling your happiness and joy, feeling it shine inward, letting it shine out within feel yourself expand as you start to come into your body, into this space, wiggling your fingers and toes. Now open your eyes feeling your beautiful radiant heart, staying connected with your light within you, and have a beautiful day!
Loving Connection
Loving Connection Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, a senior member of the mindfulness team here at Mii amo. This meditation is about connecting to both the pure essence of love within you and to the pure essence of the special person in your life. If you don’t have someone at this moment, then imagine the special person you want to call in.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Close your eyes and feel yourself sink into that soft space beneath you, allowing yourself to let go and relax as you surrender into this beautiful sacred and pure connection of love.
Start to bring your awareness to your breath, inhale…and as you exhale feel yourself connect deeper into this space within you. Follow your breath with your awareness, as you inhale, feel your belly rise, and as you exhale let your belly fall, inhale….and exhale, inhale, and exhale. If any thoughts start to come in, let them come in and then watch them leave. Keeping your awareness gently on your breath, inhale…exhale, inhale…and exhale, continue with this breath feeling even more relaxed, and connected, as you begin to feel a gentle wave of calmness begin to fill you, as you inhale…and exhale.
As you let go into this wave the muscles in your body begin to relax, bring your mind to the back of your head as you feel all the muscles in the back of your head to relax, and now bringing your mind to your eyes, start feeling heavier as your eyes relax, down to your jaw feeling the muscles in your jaw relax. down to your neck and shoulders feeling so good to let go, down to your arms, all the muscles in your arms, hands and fingers begin to soften and relax. Now bring your mind to your upper and lower back, feeling all the muscles relax, feeling yourself sink further into a deep state of connection, moving down to your hips, your legs, feeling so relaxed, moving down to your ankles, feet, and toes, feeling so relaxed, peaceful, and calm. Now feel a warm light of energy begin to surround you, letting it envelope you, feeling its pure light and intention of holding you gently in your journey as you let go, surrender, and receive what’s waiting for you here. in this deep connection within you
Now imagine yourself in a quiet field with beautiful soft rolling hills surrounding you, feeling the warm rays of the sun on your face and a slight breeze against your skin. feeling so peaceful, comfortable, open and connected here. Now start to bring forward the thoughts and feelings of your special person to your mind and heart and begin to sense and feel the warmth in your heart as you open yourself to this deep connection and invite them into this beautiful connection you have made. As you look into the distance you see them walking towards you to meet you here, and as they get closer, they smile at you, and you can feel the tenderness, and affection you have for them, so happy that they are here. You step closer to them and look into each other’s eyes, going deeper into this beautiful connection you have together, feeling so safe to let go and allow yourself to see and feel the pure essence of both you, and of them into what is real and true. Feel and sense your hearts opening and connecting.
Now imagine an infinity symbol of energy connecting your hearts, as you feel the limitless energy flowing from your heart to theirs, feeling that pure connection, the closeness and intimacy that feels warm, affectionate, kind and comforting. Allow yourself from this connection to feel and express your love, your care, and the intimate attraction to each other through this loving symbol of light flowing through and connecting your pure hearts, your essence and souls. As your connection goes deeper and continues, a bright golden light begins to move slowly down to where you both are. This warm and pure loving golden light surrounds you both, then fills you as it enters into your bodies and expands into your heart’s, illuminating your purest of intentions and desires for your connection together, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Feel and sense this golden light vibration, in every cell of your bodies creating harmony in this love, pulling you closer to the other, feeling and sensing the deep affection, tenderness, warmth and intimacy, the comfort with each other that this beautiful connection brings. Take a moment to truly enjoy and experience this loving connection.
Now it’s time to come back to this comfortable space, as you wiggle your toes and fingers, gently coming more into this space and your body as you continue to feel that connection of pure love and affection that is real and true.
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness Transcript
Welcome to the Mii amo destination spa Mii Time Meditation Series. This Mii Time meditation focuses on loving kindness.
Find a nice, relaxed, comfortable position to sit. Either on a chair, the floor or on a cushion–whatever is best for you. Keep your back straight and rest your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bring your awareness to the top of your head and imagine a bright, gentle light of energy coming down from the universe, resting above your head.
Now start to bring in this gentle light in through the top of your head, moving down through each part of your body, through your fingers and toes, feeling your whole body relax.
Now start to bring thoughts of someone who showed you love and kindness and begin to feel the love, the warmth and the feelings that brought to you. Start to bring that feeling into your heart. Your heart beginning to open to receive the love, the warmth and the kindness.
Now keeping your mind on your heart center with each breath, say and feel and hear these kind loving words filled with energy for yourself. I feel safe and protected. I feel happy and peaceful. I feel healthy and strong. I live with ease and grace.
Now bring forward someone in your life you want to send these same kind and loving words to, and imagine a bright, beautiful light coming down from your heart and connecting to their heart.
And with each breath, send these loving and kind words filled with energy to them. May you feel safe and protected. May you feel happy and peaceful. May you feel healthy and strong. May you live with ease and grace.
Now start to bring your mind to your body, back to this space. Now open your eyes and continue this awareness of loving kindness throughout your day.
Thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day.
Celebrating the Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, a senior member of the mindfulness team at Mii amo.
I hope you enjoy this meditation about the Winter Solstice, symbolizing the rebirth of light and the promise of renewal. By aligning with nature’s rhythms during this time allows us to honor ourselves, reconnect with our inner peace, and trust in the power of this sacred time. It invites us to embrace the darkness, go the light within, and become more still, it is a time to rest, dream, and connect to our wisdom within.
Close your eyes, allow your body to begin to relax, and feel yourself sink into the soft space beneath you. Feeling yourself let go, as you release any tension held in your body and begin to quiet any thoughts that fill your mind. Now imagine and feel a beautiful pillar of pure crystal light energy above you as it begins to surround you and embrace you, now let this beautiful light energy flow through you, filling you, through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders, releasing any tension that is held there, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips. Now bring this beautiful light energy to your heart and let it fill your heart center, feeling it expand, moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, ankles, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling the sensation in your toe tips, feeling so relaxed, peaceful, and calm. Feeling so good to let go as you connect into a deep state of peacefulness within you.
Now, allow yourself to go deep within that sacred space within you and imagine yourself in a cave with candles burning all around you. The flames of the candles emit a peaceful, gentle, soft glow that gives you a feeling of warmth and security, allowing you to rest, dream, and connect with your inner wisdom, as you sink into a peaceful dreamlike state.
As you look ahead, you see an entrance to your cave calling you to step through, this doorway leads you into a beautiful winter night sky with millions of stars, and the moon shining brightly above you, feeling the deep sense of stillness that is here. Winter holds the wisdom of the Elder. a time when it is more dark than light, a time to go within, to reflect on what we know, and what we have learned, and honoring ourselves with contentment knowing we have grown and have done so well. It is a time to rest, reflect, to be still.
As you embrace the peacefulness of the night sky, a sense of calm envelops you. In the distance, a cozy cabin glows warmly with wisps of smoke rising from its chimney and a bright star twinkling above it. As you walk on the path toward the cabin the star seems to shine brighter as if it is guiding you there with each step, realizing that something very special is waiting for you there.
As you reach the cabin, the door opens for you as if you are expected there, as you enter the cabin, it has a peaceful glowing fire in the fireplace and a beautiful being waiting for you there. There are 2 chairs, and you are invited to sit down as this beautiful being places a warm cozy blanket around you and then sits across you.
Take a moment and feel the vibrations of energy surrounding you and connect to the beautiful radiant presence of your higher self, who embodies your deepest wisdom. As you focus and open your heart, notice how this being takes shape and becomes more defined before you. How does energy present itself, how is it being shown to you – what form does it take, what does it look like, and what sensations does it bring up within you?
Your beautiful being has something to share with you.
What does your beautiful wise one want to share with you?
Take a moment and allow yourself to receive what is here for you.
What does your beautiful wise one want you to remember?
Let them share their love and the deep wisdom that is yours and help you remember. Take a moment to receive this love and wisdom, bring it forward, let it unfold within, feel it fill you, know and feel it.
Remember to love and honor yourself and the beautiful essence of who you truly are, as well as the beautiful earth that supports you, through your heightened awareness, connection, nurturing, and care of yourself and your world. Remember to feel and embrace the bright light within you, letting it guide you in this time of rest and renewal.
Now allow the radiant presence of your higher self, to begin to merge with you, as you are the same returning as one, connecting to the core of who you are, and the infinite knowing and wisdom that is there within you. Take this time to go inward to rest, to contemplate and bring forward those ideas of wisdom that come to you during this time of reflection, transition, and renewal, enjoying the stillness, the rest, and the energy that it holds in sacred space with you.
Allowing yourself to set intentions for the coming time of more light and receiving divine wisdom and guidance from within and from your guides and angels that are their support you.
Now feel yourself come back to this space, here with me, feeling renewed, connected, peaceful, and calm as you wiggle your toes and fingers feeling so clear and light,
Open your eyes and welcome back to your beautiful radiant wise self.
Unfolding into Your New Beginning
Unfolding into Your New Beginning Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, I am a senior member of the mindfulness team here at Mii amo.
This meditation is about new beginnings unfolding in your life, an amazing chance to begin anew. Allow yourself to step into your new beginning and journey with your heart and mind wide open to receive the blessings and gifts that await you there.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and allow yourself to surrender and let go to receive this meditation in the way that is best for you. Close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the soft space below you. Allow yourself to let go and release any tension, or thoughts that you are holding in your body and in your mind. Imagine a pure bright light coming down from the universe. Begin to feel yourself being surrounded with this light as it fills you with a cleansing, clear and calming energy, feeling this light moving into and relaxing your mind, moving down into your eyes, moving down into your neck and your shoulders, feeling your shoulders relax and let go and release anything you may be carrying and holding there, with it feeling so good to let go, moving down to your arms, into your hands and fingertips, feeling the sensation of energy in your fingertips. Now let this beautiful loving light begin to enter into your heart center filling your beautiful heart, feeling it open to the beginnings and experiences that are here, moving down into your belly, into your hips and thighs feeling so relaxed as you let go, down to your calves, ankles and into the soles of your feet and toes feeling the sensation of energy in your toe tips, feeling so peaceful and calm as this loving light flows through you, connecting even deeper within yourself. Now bring your mind deep within your belly, and imagine a cave with a candle burning, go within your cave taking a seat behind your candle focusing on the flame, feeling yourself connect further and deeper into this sacred space within you, feeling safe, connected and supported here.
As you sink further into this comfortable sacred space within you focusing on the candle, start to bring forward that feeling and sense of your new beginning that awaits you, feeling a sense of wonder, anticipation, and excitement to all the possibilities and great things that this new start and new way intends and promises for you. As you look beyond the flame you see a doorway that leads you to the outside, which will bring you deeper into the highest potential within yourself. This place shares with you all the possibilities and opportunities to explore and create in your new journey. Step through this doorway that’s inviting you in, to see what’s waiting for you in this special place so deep within you. There are no limits, no boundaries in this new way, in this new journey within your life that is presenting its gifts to you now at this time.
As you step outside, it is beautiful here, so bright and clear. There is a path in front of you with trees and flowers on both sides, with bright brilliant colors. The warm sun is shining so bright, illuminating your new path that’s ahead of you. Feel the welcoming warmth that’s there, and allow yourself to step forward and begin to walk onto this beautiful path made just for you, and with each step forward you become more clear on what you want, wish and desire in this new beginning, opening your heart and mind, being able to see all the possibilities and opportunities that are here for you, as if seeing with new eyes.
As you look ahead at the end of the path, you see a big beautiful tree, and as you reach the tree, allow yourself to sit down on the beautiful earth, leaning back against this majestic and wise tree feeling the support of the earth below you, and feeling the beautiful life force energy of the tree and its strength and wisdom embracing you, feeling safe, connected and free as you begin to imagine and start to create for yourself with clarity this new beginning and how you want it to unfold. What do you want to receive, connect with, create and experience in the fresh start? Is it new way of being, new ideas to transform and create new healthy habits to replace the ones that no longer serve you. New places to explore, new things to try, and new connections to be made, as well as reconnections to the people who are important in your life. Imagine and create all possibilities that you want for yourself in this new beginning, feel the excitement as it continues to build and enjoy what is unfolding. Stay open, curious, and excited to all the possibilities, opportunities, and experiences that this new journey will bring you.
Now step forward to begin anew into this fresh start with your heart and mind wide open, being able to see everything through new eyes, and opportunities of doing things differently than you’ve done them before. What will this new beginning you are stepping into bring to you and how will it make you feel? Will it bring you more freedom, abundance, success, more joy, more time for fun and play. Will it bring you the possibility of new love, or reconnection to relationships that are already true, stay open to the connections coming your way at this time, allow yourself to step into your new beginning and journey with courage and embrace the gifts that are waiting for you, and trust the magic that it is unfolding in the way that’s best for you.
Stay open in your heart and mind, as you step into your beautiful new life, with your dreams, aspirations, goals, and desires that will help you grow into your highest potential that this new path and journey promises for you.
Let go and enjoy, as it’s all happening and here for you.
Now feel yourself coming back to this space here with me, feeling clarity, excitement, and joy, ready for your new beginning with the blessings and gifts that are here for you to enjoy.
Feeling Gratitude
Feeling Gratitude Transcript
Find a nice quiet place and allow yourself to get comfortable. Now straighten your spine, close your eyes, and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and release any tension you are holding in your body and in your mind, surrender and open yourself to receive all that is here for you in these moments and in this space. Now begin to feel yourself sink further and further into the space beneath you and imagine a soft cloud of light and love embracing and supporting you, allowing yourself to let go even more, feeling yourself to sink further and further into this soft space of loving light beneath you.
Now begin to imagine a pure, beautiful loving light of energy beginning to feel this energy embracing you, and then sensing this light begin to fill you, Let this begin relax your mind, feeling it fill your mind with this beautiful loving light, moving down to your eyes, relaxing your eyes, your jaw, feeling your jaw relax, this loving light moving down into your neck and your shoulders, feeling your shoulders relax as you let go of any tension being held, feeling so good to let go, as you connect deeper into this soft space beneath you, connecting deeper within yourself, feeling peaceful and calm, feel this light move down through your arms, into your palms, and fingertips, feeling the sensation inside your fingertips. Feel this beautiful warm light begin to enter into your heart center, feeling your heart center open and expand, moving down into your belly, and down to your hips, your thighs, feeling your thighs relax, your calves, ankles and into your feet and toes feeling the sensation inside of your toe tips, feeling yourself sink further into the soft cloud of loving light beneath you, feeling yourself go deeper connecting even more into this deep state of connection feeling peaceful and calm in this loving light of energy.
Start to bring forward someone you appreciate in your life; someone you care about that makes you smile and laugh, or makes your life a little easier, enjoyable, and lighter, whether it’s through the words they say, or the time you spend with them, or all the small simple things that they do, and then begin to feel your body and your heart, beginning to feel the warmth in your heart that you have for them. Feel the heartfelt gratitude, and deep sense of appreciation that fills you with joy and emotion of what they bring to your life. Feel the openness in your body and mind that this brings to you, the lightness of it. Truly feel the appreciation of them. Now open yourself to the other people in your life that you feel grateful for, your family, friends, and acquaintances, whether they once were, or still are, a part of your journey here. This feeling of warmth in your heart, and gratitude growing within you, truly feeling that deep sense of appreciation, the joy of the connection, the lightness and warmth that it brings to your body, your mind, and your heart, feeling gratitude for these connections in your life. Opening yourself to the emotions of joy, feeling connected, and a deep sense of gratitude for your life, family, and friends all around you, feeling abundant and grateful for your life.
Feeling this gratitude expand, bring forward all the simple things in your life that you are grateful for, open yourself to the abundance in your life that is all around you. Feeling grateful for the sun that brings us light in our day, to the stars and moon at night that helps us feel we are not alone and that there is so much more. Feeling the deep sense of gratitude of the love and support of the people who care about you both family and friends, being able to share with them your, joys, your sorrows, your life and having them there, feeling the warmth in your heart for these connections. Grateful for the unconditional love from you furry friends in your life that bring you joy. Feeling grateful to be able to live your life and create your life in the way you want it to be, grateful to be able to laugh and to play. Grateful For the music that can make you want to dance or the music to sooth your soul. Gratitude for your health, your mobility, your freedom to enjoy your life, Grateful to have the warm food you need to nourish your body. Gratitude for the place you call home, that allows you to be free to be yourself and keeps you warm, dry, and feeling safe and the place of being able to rest. Appreciating all of this and so much more. Feel the abundance in your life, the gratitude for everyone and everything in it. Feeling the joy, feeling the connection, with a deep sense of gratitude, appreciation and warmth in your heart for your life and the people around you, your family, and friends, feeling so abundant and grateful for your life, feeling so happy to be alive.
Let this feeling of warmth and gratitude continue to expand, feeling lighter, joyful, connected to your beautiful abundant life as you start to come back into your body feeling bright, expansive, and clear stepping into your day keeping this feeling of warm gratitude in your heart and mind.
Now open your eyes and have a beautiful day.
Winds of Change
Winds of Change Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, I am a senior member of the mindfulness team here at Mii amo.
This meditation is about the Winds of Change, change is inevitable and constant in our lives and in the universe, remember to be gentle with yourself during these times, and know that with every change in our life there is an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you, open to something more, and grow into a better version of your beautiful self and soul.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and allow yourself to receive this meditation in the way that is best for you.
Close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to feel and then let go and release any tension, emotions, or thoughts that you are holding in your body and in your mind. Now begin to feel yourself sink further into the soft space beneath you feeling supported. Begin to feel a pure light of energy coming down from the universe allowing it to be your partner in this time of change, feeling it all around you, feeling it embrace and begin to fill you, letting this pure beautiful loving light enter in through the top of your head, down into your mind, feeling this light relaxing your mind, moving down to your eyes, this loving light moving down into your neck and your shoulders, feeling your shoulders relax as you let go of any tension being held, moving down to your arms, into your hands and fingertips.
Now let this beautiful loving light begin to enter into your heart center, moving down into your belly, into your hips and thighs feeling so relaxed, down to your calves, ankles and into the soles of your feet and toes, feeling so peaceful and calm as this loving light flows through you. letting yourself go deeper connecting even more into this loving light. Now go deep within yourself, to that sacred space within you feeling safe, and supported in this time of change.
As you sink further into this comfortable and safe space within you begin to feel the support of the earth below you letting your energy connect deep within her like the roots of a tree, feeling her support, strength, and grounding. Begin to feel the winds of change that are around you and in your life at this time, allow your body and mind begin to soften as you gently release the reins of your life, holding them lightly in your hands knowing and trusting that you are supported in this life and all that it entails, allowing yourself to lean back and feel more at ease and relaxed, taking a breath and begin to sway and bend easily, connecting to your own natural rhythm within you, and you let the winds of change surround you, knowing you are fully supported in your life, and that these changes will settle, and that you will emerge in to all of the possibilities for yourself that these changes will allow you to grow and heal as you let go of the reins holding them gently in this time of the unknown, being able to lean back which allows you see more clearly all the possibilities that are there. Feel yourself to ride the wave of change in your life and the world easily in this time of the unknown that has yet to be defined.
Remembering change is inevitable, and that it brings growth and healing in your life and in your soul. Remembering you have done this many times before in all the paths you have taken in your life that have led you here to this very moment, to this opportunity to ride the winds of change once more, and all the possibilities it can and will bring you. You’ve got this and have always succeeded by coming out of change with more understanding of your life and into a better version of your beautiful self and soul.
Allow yourself this opportunity of healing and growth, as you begin to let go of old ways of thinking, old beliefs, ways of being, letting go of anything that may be holding you back. Feel yourself let go of fears and doubts and judgements you may have and are holding, feeling yourself let go of the old, letting go of the fear of the future, and feeling the lightness in your body and mind as you let go of all that is there that no longer serves you, letting the winds of change take it way making room for the new Being able to easily and gracefully sway and bend like a tree, yet still so strong connected to who you are, allowing yourself to stretch to see how far you can go and becoming more aware of who you are and how far you have come and where you want to be. Gently let go of the resistance, knowing you are fully supported and safe, allowing yourself to Let go of attachments of the ways things used to be, knowing that there is something better coming your way.
You have the strength, and you have the wisdom, and resilience within you to move forward, knowing you got this. Bring forward what you have achieved in your life and remember that in these winds of change you can create more, you have it all to move and adapt easily to create your life and how you want it to be, with this new way that is unfolding for you
Feel yourself open and gently let go and embrace the change and all of its possibilities, feel yourself soften, bend your knees feeling fully supported in all that’s happening, letting yourself lean back, letting go of the reins to be guided and brought to a place that brings you so much more.
Continue to feel the energy of being supported in this time of change. Feeling yourself continue to be open to and embracing the changes that are here, feeling lighter and ready for the new ways that are coming knowing you will land softly as you emerge from the winds of change at that are here, as you stay open to something more, allowing yourself grow into a better version of your beautiful self and soul.
Now feel yourself start to come back into your body feeling bright, expansive, and clear stepping into your life and this change easily and gracefully, you have everything you need.
Letting Go
Letting Go Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott and I’m a senior member of the mindfulness team here at Mii amo spa. So, welcome and I hope you enjoy this meditation about letting go.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Start to bring your awareness into your body and then into your breath. Now focus on your breath from your belly. As you inhale, you feel your belly expand and as you exhale, let your belly fall. Follow your breath with your awareness, as you inhale feeling your belly rise, and exhale let your belly fall. Inhale and exhale. If any thoughts start to come in, let them come in, watch them leave, then come back to your breath. Keep your awareness gently on your breath. Inhale and exhale. Continue with this breath. Feeling more relaxed and calm as you inhale, and as you exhale feeling yourself let go of the breath. Focusing and sensing what’s there in the exhale. Focusing on the breath, inhale, fill your belly, and exhale. Starting to feel yourself sink further into that soft space beneath you. Now start to become more aware of your body. Becoming aware of any tension, heaviness or tightness may be held. No judgment, just awareness.
Now bring your mind to the top and back of your head. Then your eyes and down to your jaw. Notice any tension that may be held in your head, eyes, and jaw. You can make a note of it. Now move down to your neck and shoulders and sense any tension that may be there. Or feel or sense anything that you may be carrying in your life, in your shoulders.
Now move down to your upper and lower back. And feel your upper and lower back. Just noticing if anything is held here. Your hips, your legs, ankles, and feet. Just sense how your body feels. If there’s any tension, heaviness, or tightness. That you become more aware of, in the different parts of your mind or body. Maybe where the energy and memories, experiences, stress, or emotions that have happened in your life. And you can still feel them there. No judgment, just an awareness of it.
Now in your mind’s eye, I want you to imagine a very powerful healing and cleansing waterfall and step over to the waterfall and step underneath. Beginning to imagine or feel this waterfall move over you. And then feel it move through you. And there’s a stream that’s running over your ankles and your feet with the current moving away from you. Now begin to focus on those areas you’ve noticed that you felt heaviness or tension held in your body, your heart, or your mind. And feel this powerful waterfall move through you as it releases all of it. As you let go and it moves out through the bottoms of your feet, taking it all away. Watching it move away into the current, into the stream, moving away from you. Now let this powerful water flow enter into your mind. And clearing any thoughts that are there, thoughts that you no longer need or don’t serve you. Let this powerful waterfall release the energy that holds them there. Now feel and imagine this waterfall as it moves through. Releasing any attachments you may have to your life, to relationships, to the things that you feel have to be a certain way. Any memories or experiences that you want to let go. Allow them to come up and then watch them leave. Moving down through each part of your body and out through your toes. Feeling this powerful waterfall move through your shoulders. Letting anything you’re carrying that is no longer yours to carry or just never was. Feel that powerful waterfall just lift that energy from your shoulders. And now let this flow of energy in this water move down into your heart center, this powerful flow of water cleansing and clearing, moving into your heart center. And releasing any emotions of sadness, grief, or loss. Feeling it move through and replenishing your heart center. Freeing any emotions that are held and are no longer needed.
Feeling yourself let go. Let go of all of it that is coming up for you in this cleansing healing waterfall. Now feel this powerful waterfall move down into your belly and into your organs, cleansing and clearing anything that may be held there. We hold so much and our bellies, our stress, our fear, our anger, and resentment. All are being held there. Let this powerful water cleanse and clear your heart, your body and mind, moving out through your toes into the stream. Watching it all leave. Feeling more light and clear. All of the energy, that heaviness and tension and stress, emotions and experiences coming up from you. Feeling it move through you and watching it leave, no longer needed. Beginning to sense a lightness as you continue to let whatever is coming up, allowing it, letting it be. Those things that you might not even know are still there, just let this powerful healing cleansing waterfall move through you. As it moves out through your toes into the stream, watching it leave. Feeling so good to let go. Watching it. Running underneath you, watching it all leave into the stream. Sensing a calmness wash over you. A replenishing energy moving through you. Just feel this replenishment, this calmness, this peacefulness. And take a moment and allow yourself to be in this space. Whatever you’re feeling and sensing, just allow yourself to be whatever it is in this moment let it continue to grow. And now start to feel yourself come back into your body. Into the space, just feeling a gentleness, a wave of calmness as it moves through you. Letting it continue to work with you as it continues to grow. And then start to feel yourself come back into your body, into the space. Feeling fresh, a lightness, a clarity, a brightness. And then slowly open your eyes. And let this energy continue to work with you, into your evening or into your day, wherever you are allowing it to continue to grow and welcome back.
Summer Solstice - Time of More Light
Time of More Light Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, a senior member of the mindfulness team at Mii amo. I hope you enjoy this meditation about summer and all it brings. The Summer Solstice, the playfulness, the freedom, more time, more sunlight which allows the beautiful flower to bloom and your imagination to grow.
Close your eyes and allow your body to begin to relax and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and to release any tension being held in your body, and release any thoughts that fill your mind.
Now Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe resting just above your head, allowing this light to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders releasing any tension, feeling so good to let go, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips. Now move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center, feeling your heart fill with love, light and peace, feeling this beautiful energy in your heart center, now moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed, peaceful and calm, open to receive as you connect into a deep state of connection.
Now imagine and feel a pillar of pure crystal light energy above you as it begins to surround you and embrace you, feeling this amazing, beautiful light energy flow through you. as you surrender, allowing yourself to let go.
In this relaxed deep state of connection, begin to imagine yourself stepping into a beautiful summer garden, with bright vibrant flowers in full bloom, tall trees with bright green leaves, and the feeling of the soft grass beneath your feet. The bright warm summer sun shining, feeling the warmth on your face and shoulders, feeling a slight breeze against your skin as you hear the birds and the sound of life all around you.
Now begin to explore this beautiful summer garden that you are in, as you let your imagination, and playfulness open and grow within you as you bring forward a remembering of summer and what it brings, having more light and time to enjoy, play and imagine, feeling the freedom and joy that it brings.
Remembering yourself as a child, full of energy, where your imagination is free and expansive, a time to play and create anything you want with your beautiful mind. Feel the freedom, no limits, no boundaries, more space and time and the joy that it brings. Experiencing a freshness, lightness, happiness, and an energy of excitement, laughter, play, within you.
Now find a place within your garden on the soft grass underneath a tree and lay down making yourself comfortable here feeling so satisfied and content. As you look above you the sun is still shining with lots of fluffy white clouds gently drifting by, and your playful imagination seeing all the shapes, faces and animals within them, making you smile, use that beautiful imagination of yours. Start to become aware of how the warm sun is nourishing you and all the beautiful life around you, the flowers, the trees, the grass Feeling the life force energy of the earth below you, feeling her support and strength. Enjoying the connection of it all, feeling so alive and free.
With this awareness a sense of gratitude and joy begins to grow within you as you reflect upon your time here on earth and how you have bloomed and grown into who you are now in your journey here.
Remembering you are connected and a part of everything here on this earth, the universe and so much more. Allow yourself more time and space in your life for this natural state of being of joy, play, excitement, freedom and imagination.
Now feel yourself come back to your life feeling joy, gratitude and so happy to be alive and enjoy your beautiful light filled day.
Mother's Day
Mother’s Day Transcript
This meditation is dedicated to all the beautiful loving mothers everywhere, and the beautiful loving mom within us. Close your eyes and begin to open yourself to feel and share what in your heart on this beautiful special day, on this Mother’s Day. A day to acknowledge, to show gratitude, and to take a moment to appreciate our beautiful moms, and the maternal feminine within all of us.
Imagine a pillar of soft warm loving energy above you, feel this beautiful loving light fill you and surround you with its pure beautiful loving light, bring this light into your heart-center, feeling your heart expand with into soft warm loving light energy. Now start to bring your loving thoughts and memories of your mother to your mind, begin to see or feel her presence, her beautiful essence sitting across from you. Open and connect your hearts loving energy with hers, feeling this love that you have for her within you connecting with her, sending it to her. Feel your heart expand, share this with her, your pure gratitude, and appreciation of all of who she is and what she had done, letting her know what she means to you with this connection and love. Acknowledging her love and care of you, her patience and kindness, and all of the loving support she gave to help shape you to the person you are and have become. Feeling the gratefulness, the loving appreciation, and feeling so blessed to have her as your mom in this life. Feel your love and appreciation of her expanding your heart feeling it connecting it with hers. Take a moment and let this beautiful warm love fill you both as this connection continues to grow and flow between you.
Now bring your attention back to your open warm loving heart, letting it expand within you, feeling for yourself, and allowing yourself to receive and feel this soft warm loving energy, fill your heart, feeling the appreciation, and gratitude for your beautiful self. For all you do, the nurturing, love and care you give to others in your life and in this world. The nurturing and all the thoughtful ways that you do, the beautiful mom within you. Feel this connection to your essence, to your beautiful soul, feeling this gratitude and love within you grow.
Now bring your awareness the soft warm loving light within your heart, and acknowledge the maternal feminine within all of us, showing the love and care we all have to give others. Feeling grateful to be able to take these moments to feel the beautiful loving essence of who we truly are. This connection within, that is connected to all.
Feel this connection of the soft warm love within you, the love and appreciation of your beautiful mothers on this day, and your beautiful loving self.
As you hear the sound of the crystal bowl, allow it to move through you expanding this loving energy even more.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling your fingers and toes, feeling loved and connected, your heart wide open filled with love for your mom and for your beautiful self.
Father's Day
Father’s Day Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, I hope you enjoy this meditation that is dedicated to all fathers on this special Father’s Day. A day to acknowledge, to remember, to show gratitude, and to take a moment to appreciate our dads for what they have brought to us and done for us to help shape who we are.
Allowing yourself to get comfortable, close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and connect with your heart to make a very special connection with your dad.
Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe resting just above your head, feeling this energy begin to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders releasing any tension, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips. Now move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center, taking you deeper feeling your heart fill with love, light, and peace, moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed, peaceful, and calm. Now bring your mind deep within yourself, within your belly and imagine a cave with a candle burning, go into your cave taking a seat behind your candle making yourself comfortable here focusing on the flame.
Begin to go deeper within yourself, deep into that sacred space that is there within you connecting even more, this place that is the essence of you where all things are. Now begin to bring forward and feel the essence and energy of your father, feeling his presence there with you. Let him surround you with his love and pure intention he has and will always have for you every step of the way and always wanting the very best for you, from the moment you were born and throughout your life whether he is here on the physical plane or with you in spirit. Bring forward the memories of looking to him as to whether you were doing things right, looking for his approval, did I do that right dad, are you proud of me? Those memories of how you looked up to him and saw him bigger than life. The memories of feeling happy when the attention from him was on you, and when he showed you things you needed to know in your life or sharing with you about the stars. The moments that that bring a smile to you this day, and the times that you see him in you through the words you say or in your mannerisms that you notice are the same as his and make you smile, remember you truly are a part of him. Those memories that make you smile and the ones that make you laugh.
Bring forward the moments that you knew he was there in spirit, bringing you a special sign that he is still here with you from the other side on a higher plane, maybe through a dream, or as a bird, an animal, or a sending you a penny from heaven, a sign that you knew it was him and that the gift was just for you, letting you know he still here right by your side. The memories of feeling loved and special when he shared and showed you he cared for you in the way he knew how, whether it was on the sidelines which might have been his way, or right there teaching and supporting you. Those memories when he made you feel protected and safe, knowing he would do anything for you, even in those moments you did not see eye to eye, the knowing that he was still there, letting you grow in you in your own way.
Feel him in front of you, his energy and essence, allowing yourself to connect and share with him what you want to share and say. Send him your gratitude and love for the person he is both as a father and as a man, knowing he did his best for you in the way he knew how, and how grateful you are for him helping shape and create who you have become. Feel your heart open and feel the energy of your love for him connect with his heart and essence, send your love to him, your appreciation from deep inside, begin to share with him everything you ever wanted to share or say that maybe you could not express at the time, now is your opportunity don’t hold back, take a moment and share and connect with your dad.
Now it is time to receive from your dad what he wants you to know. Begin to feel his love surround and embrace you, let it begin to fill you and your beautiful heart. Feel his love for you and let him share from his heart to yours what he wants you to know. Feeling his love and his happiness and joy of being your dad, and how proud he was of you, and of who you have become. Feel the joy from him on how much you have added to his life and was so honored to be able to provide for you and share what he knew and wanted to pass on to you from his life. He loved when you were so curious and wanted to know all about life, you made him feel so important and happy to be your dad. He loved when you reached out to him, for advice or just to see how he was, it meant a lot to him. Let your dad send you the love he has in his heart for you in those times you might not have seen eye to eye, or those times when he did not know how to express or let you know how much he truly cared and loved you, and could only stand on the sidelines in parts of your life’s journey, but he was always there. Feel his purest of intention of always wanting to do right by you, to protect and help you in life in the ways he thought you needed. Feel and know he did the best that he could in every way that he knew how. Take a moment and connect with your dad to receive what he has for you from his heart.
Keep connecting to this energy of love and gratitude and start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling your fingers and toes, feeling loved and connected, your heart wide open filled with love and connection to your father and for your beautiful self, and when you are ready open your eyes and have a beautiful day!
Seeds of Inspiration Meditation
Seeds of Inspiration Meditation Transcript
Hi, my name is Kim McDermott, I am a senior member of the mindfulness team here at Mii amo.
This meditation is about awakening the seeds of inspiration to transcend into new possibilities.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and allow yourself to surrender and let go to receive this meditation in the way that is best for you. Close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the soft space beneath you, feeling your mind and body begin to relax, beginning to feel a loving inspirational light from the highest of source enter into your mind, relaxing your mind, down to your eyes, moving down to your jaw, relaxing all the muscles in your jaw, moving into your neck and shoulders letting go, feeling so good to let go, moving down to your arms, hands and fingers tip, feeling so relaxed , peaceful and calm. Now feel this loving inspirational light fill your heart center, filling your heart center, feeling the energy relaxing your chest and lower back, allowing yourself let go into the soft space beneath you, feeling the energy move down into your hips and thighs feeling so relaxed as you let go, down to your calves, ankles and into the soles of your feet and your toes feeling the sensation of energy in your toe tips, feeling so peaceful and calm as this loving light flows through you, connecting even deeper, Now imagine a cave with a candle deep within your belly, allowing yourself to enter your cave and take a seat behind your candle connecting into this sacred space within you.
As you connect into this comfortable sacred space, focus on the candle and start to bring forward your beautiful loving inspirational light from within you, feeling a sense of excitement as your inspiration grows, and as you look beyond the flame of your candle, you see the entrance to your cave that leads you to the outside, step through this doorway bringing you into a beautiful meadow Everything here feels so pure and alive with the feeling of spring in the air, and everything so bright , clear and fresh, feeling the warm sun on your face, and slight breeze on your skin. As you look around, you see the trees are beginning to bud and hearing the sounds of the birds sing, this energy feeling alive, so light and free. This bright inspirational light builds as your creative energy starts to flow with ideas of what you want to create and experience in your world. You are ready to go, feeling so inspired and full of passion, courage and joy, feeling this energy fill the cells of your body and mind, feeling light and free and excited about the wonderful ideas emerging from within you. Now Imagine your ideas as they start to turn into seeds, planting them into the earth in this beautiful meadow within you. These seeds that will bring you growth for all the aspects of your life that you are intending. feeling this beautiful bright inspirational light shine nurturing these seeds of inspiration, allowing them to take root and to grow to the fullest potential with all the possibilities they will bring for you.
Surrender and allow yourself to receive and experience this beautiful creative energy flowing through you. Bringing forward all the good intentions for yourself for your life. Focus and feel yourself awakened to this sense of bright inspiration within you, and the feeling of excitement of it all. Allowing this energy to expand, filling your body and mind and into your fingers and toes, feeling it embracing you and filling every part of your being. feel this energy expand, connecting deep into the earth and expanding far and wide into the universe feeling supported and connected. Allowing this energy and these ideas to unfold and bloom in the way that is best for you . Allowing and feeling the possibilities and joy each moment and each day in your life that these seeds of inspiration hold and promise for you, feeling it take root and grow and bloom into everything you want, need or desire in your world.
Let your bright light of inspiration shine from this moment forward, as you step into your life with a lightness in your heart ,mind and body, feeling a spring your step each day as your seeds now planted continue to take root, grow and bloom into all that you imagined and so much more.
Now feel yourself start to come back to space, here with me, feeling fresh, clear and light, wiggling your toes and fingers, feeling that beautiful bright light as you open your eyes and move into your life.
Awakening Playfulness and Freedom
Awakening Playfulness and Freedom Transcript
Find a quiet place and allow yourself to get comfortable, now feel yourself sink into the space, below you. beginning to feel yourself release any tension being held in your body, and releasing any thoughts that fill your mind, now surrender and open yourself to receive to all that is here for you in these moments and in this space.
Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe, allowing this light to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders, and feeling it moving down through your arms into your palm and fingertips. Move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center, feeling your heart center filling it with love and light, moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed and open to receive.
Now bring your mind to your belly, and imagine a cave with a candle burning, Now go within the cave and take a seat behind the candle, focusing on your beautiful light, seeing the reflections of the light into your true self. your beautiful soul, all aspects of you, connecting deeper into the sacred space within you.
As you look beyond the flame of the candle, you will see the entrance to your cave light up from the bright sun outside, feeling so inviting to see what’s there, this doorway brings forward a sense of curiosity awakening within you to explore deeper what’s there . As you step through the entrance, you are on a wide ledge way up high, so bright and warm. The sun is shining in the sky with beautiful soft clouds, The view is so expansive, above, below, and all around you. Your excitement grows and are ready to explore what is here. Imagine a large beautiful bird with expansive wings flying above you , and this beautiful being lands on the ledge with you and is here for you to fly with and be your guide to take you on your journey to explore what is here for you. You embark upon this winged being, and you both begin to soar so high above in the sky, your sense of freedom unfolds within you with the open space all around you. Being able to see your life and your world from this high view. Your energy elevating, feeling invigorated, and free.
Your beautiful winged guide takes you all around to the mountains, and to the oceans and then begins to gently descend down to a beautiful place with trees and flowers, and a small pond. and as you get closer, the young childlike essence of you begins to awaken. The feelings of playfulness, excitement, full of energy with your imagination free and expansive, bringing forward your curious child with the freedom to play and explore with curious eyes that sees everything as new to discover what’s there, with the feeling of awe and wonder.
As your winged guide gently lands on the ground in this beautiful place, you disembark from your guide so grateful, and as your feet touch the ground you feel the eagerness, playfulness and joy as you begin to explore, observing every little thing, the colors, shapes and sounds of this beautiful place. You notice the movement of the leaves from the trees and flowers from the slight warm breeze in the air. Hearing the sounds of the insects buzzing around to all the different beautiful flowers. The stillness of the pond with the reflection of the sky on top of the water, yet noticing the a few ripples from the fish coming to the top. Enjoying this connection as you feel so free wandering and taking it all in.
Take a moment and be free to explore sense, see and feel what is here for you. receiving all of it feeling so much joy and lightheartedness,
Now start to bring your bring your awareness back to your body feeling your awakened essence of freedom, playfulness and joy, and feeling so alive.
Breath and the Four C’s
Breath and the Four C’s Transcript
Find a nice quiet place, and allow yourself to get comfortable, either on a chair, or a cushion on the floor. Now straighten your spine , close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and to release any tension you are holding in your body and in your mind, now surrender and open yourself to receive all that is here for you in these moments and in this space. Start to bring forward your intention, your wish, your desire on what you would like to experience, create, and receive today.
Begin to go deeper within yourself, deep in to that sacred space that’s there within you, this place that is the essence of you where all things are, the reflections of light into your true self, your beautiful soul, connect and feel this place of light within you, Now Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe resting just above your head, allowing this light to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders releasing any tension, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips. Now move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center, feeling your heart fill with love, light and peace, feeling this beautiful energy in your heart center, moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed and more open to receive. Now bring your mind deep within yourself, within your belly and imagine a cave with a candle burning, go into your cave taking a seat behind your candle making yourself comfortable here focusing on the flame.
As you focus on the flame, start to bring your awareness to your breath, inhale…and as you exhale feel yourself connect deeper into this space within you. Follow your breath with your awareness, as you inhale, feel your belly rise, and as you exhale let your belly fall, inhale….and exhale, inhale and exhale. If any thoughts start to come in let them come in and then watch them leave, and come back to the flame of the candle. Keeping your awareness gently on your breath, inhale…exhale, inhale…and exhale, continue with this breath feeling even more relaxed, and connected, as you begin to feel a gentle wave of calmness begin to fill you as you inhale…and exhale.
Feel this beautiful wave of gentle calming energy flowing through your body and mind, surrender to this peaceful energy as it fills your heart center, filling you with love and peace with this gentle wave of calmness, feeling this beautiful peaceful energy opening your heart, feeling calm and content, surrender to this wave of calmness as it fills you, feel it encase you, let it surround you. Feel this calming energy opening an awareness into your life, a sense of stillness that cannot be disturbed, becoming more clear mentally, emotionally and physically, feeling more light more expansive, tranquil, peaceful and calm as this beautiful bright calming energy continues to fill you and surround you, feeling at ease within yourself, with your life, and the world around you, coming back to the center of your being, your natural state of peace and calmness, to the connection within yourself, your essence, your soul, feeling peaceful and whole, beginning to connect or connecting to a sense of clarity that’s here within you.
Now feel this clarity within you begin to expand, and bring your focus to the sense of a greater clarity within in your life, to a sense of clarity within yourself , a knowing and feeling of what is best for you and is true. Feel this clarity of mind, a strong sense of clarity in your heart and body, giving you a sense and feeling of freedom in this knowing, becoming brighter and feeling more light, and feeling the amazing freedom that this clarity brings to you, Feel it, sense it, see it, It’s so easy to sense and feel this clarity that’s here within you now , knowing it to be true and right for you, with a clear certainty that you can feel grow within you . Stay open to this bright clarity that is here, keep sensing this within your beautiful yourself, feeling clear as you begin to feel a confidence begin to grow within you.
Now bring forward and connect with that strong confident, self-assurance that is here or there within you, this confidence that is here for you to access at anytime, a self-assurance you can feel, trust, and rely on, allow this confidence to come forward and believe in yourself, feeling your spine straighten, standing taller, feeling stronger, more clear with a presence of mind in this confident way, trusting yourself, knowing that you got this, and all that comes your way, that you have the ability and this strong confident quality to move through all of what life brings to you, feeling this confidence with ease and grace. Keep connecting with this feeling as it becomes even greater within you as this confidence grows, giving you the courage you need.
Keep connecting with the gentle courage and strength that is there in your beautiful heart, the feeling of this courage that is there within you. Believe and sense this knowing, that in your life and in your world, this bravery, courage and dignity is there. Bring forward this gentle strength and courage here in your heart, feel it in your body, this power that is gentle, yet firm. This courage that brings strength and determination to accomplish and create what you need in your life, even if it is just to be still, to allow yourself to move forward, and do what you know within yourself that is right and true for you, bring your focus to it, and feel this courage, this bravery, this gentle strength within you, feeling calm, clear, confident and full of courage. Stay connected with all of these beautiful aspects of you as you move through your day and through your life. and know it is always here for you to access at any time.
As you hear the sound of the crystal bowl, allow the vibration to fill you and feel your energy expand to all of these beautiful aspects that are here within you.
Now gently feel yourself come back to space, back to your body, to the here and now, feel the bottoms of your feet, your legs, your hips, begin to move fingers and toes. Slowly open your eyes feeling refreshed, calm, clear, and confident, and have a beautiful day.
Calmness Transcript
Close your eyes and begin to bring your focus to your breath, Inhale, and as you exhale release any tension that may be held in your body.
Feel your body sink further into this space below you, feeling lighter and more relaxed with each breath. Allow yourself to open, to surrender, and to receive all that is here for you.
Imagine a beautiful gentle calming energy coming down from the universe, feel this gentle energy filling and relaxing your mind, letting the gentle wave of calming energy move through your body. Surrender to this calming energy as it fills your heart center, filling you with love, and with this gentle wave of calmness, you begin connecting to the feeling of the love within your heart, feeling gentle calming energy opening your heart filling it with peace, feeling calm and content. Feeling your heart fill with gratitude and love, feeling your whole body let go to this beautiful calming energy as it continues to move through you, feeling it fill you, feel it encase you, let it surround you.. Keep surrendering to this calmness within you. Feel this calming energy opening an awareness into your life, a sense of stillness that cannot be disturbed, becoming more clear, more light, mentally, emotionally and physically, feeling more expansive, tranquil, peaceful and calm as this beautiful bright calming energy continues to fill you and surround you, feeling at ease within yourself ,with your life, and the world around you. Returning back to the center of your being, your natural state of peace and calmness, back to the connection within yourself, your essence, your soul, feeling peaceful and whole.
As you hear the sound of the bowl, allow it to move through you expanding this beautiful bright calming energy within you.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling your fingers and toes, feeling relaxed, clear, resilient and joy, open your eyes.
Clarity Transcript
Feel your body begin to relax, close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and to release any tension being held in your body, and releasing any thoughts that fill your mind, now surrender and open yourself to receive to all that is here for you.
Imagine a pillar of very pure crystal clear light energy, filling and surrounding you, allowing this clear beautiful light energy begin to flow into and through your body and mind, feeling yourself let go to the pure crystal clear light energy that’s now flowing within you. As this beautiful light continues to fill you, feel yourself self-surrender to it. Now bring your mind into to your belly, and imagine a cave with candle burning, go deep within your cave and make yourself comfortable here connecting with your beautiful light, essence and soul. Focus on the flame, and with each breath sinking deeper into this connection within you.
Now Start to bring your focus to the intention of a greater clarity within in your life, to a strong sense of clarity within yourself , a knowing and feeling what is best for you at this time, keep focusing on the flame, and now opening to an awareness, a sense that lets you feel and begin to see the transparency of clarity coming to you, feeling it within you, clarity of mind, a strong sense of clarity in your heart and body, giving you a feeling of freedom in this knowing , with this clear understanding of awareness that’s here within you , becoming brighter and feeling more light, and feeling the amazing freedom that this clarity brings to you, Feel it, sense it, , see it, It’s so easy to sense and feel this clarity that’s here within you now , knowing it to be true and right for you., with a clear certainty and confidence that you can feel within you . Stay open to this bright clarity that is here for you now, keep feeling and sensing this within your beautiful yourself, essence and soul.
Clarity Transcript
Let this pure crystal energy light keep filling you, and your clarity becoming even greater,
As you hear the sound of the bowl, allow it to move through you expanding this energy even more within you.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling clear, bright, free, and full of joy, now open your eyes staying with this sense of clarity with you in your state of being.
Confidence Transcript
Find a nice, quiet place and allow yourself to get comfortable, either on a chair or a cushion on the floor. Now straighten your spine and close your eyes and, begin to let go. Feel yourself sink into the space below you. Feeling yourself release any tension being held in your body, and releasing any thoughts that fill your mind. Now surrender and open yourself to receive to all that is here for you.
Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe. Allowing this light to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind, relaxing your mind. Down into your neck and your shoulders releasing any tension, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips.
Move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center, feeling your heart. Filling it with love and light. Feeling this energy in your heart center. Moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed and more open to receive.
Begin to go deep within yourself, deep in to that sacred space that’s there within you. This place that is the essence of you, where all things are, the reflections of light into your true self, your beautiful soul. Connect and feel this place of light within you.
And begin to unlock and bring forward that strong confident, self-assurance that is there for you, that is there within you. Feel it fill your body and mind. This self-confidence that has been there all along, waiting for this moment for you to allow it to come forward within you. It’s there for you to access at anytime.
Continue to feel this confidence within you, a self-assurance you can feel, trust and rely on. Allow and believe in yourself, feeling your spine straighten, standing taller, feeling stronger, more clear with a presence of mind in this confident way. In trusting yourself, knowing that you got this, and all that comes your way.
That you have the ability and the strength to move through all of what life brings to you. Feeling this with ease and grace. Keep connecting with this feeling that’s within you, knowing that this truly a part of you. Allow your self to access this natural state of being that’s there for you and within you.
Let this confidence become even greater within you, feeling this natural state continue to grow. As you hear the sound of the crystal bowl, allowing this feeling of confidence and self-assurance expand even more.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling clear, confident, self-assured and full of joy. Now open your eyes, staying with this strong presence of you, and keep it forward within your day and in your life.
Courage Transcript
Find a nice quite place, and allow yourself to get comfortable, either on a chair or a cushion on the floor, now straighten your spine and close your eyes , and begin to let go, feel yourself sink into the space below you, feeling yourself release any tension being held in your body, feel your whole body begin to relax, releasing any thoughts that fill your mind, now surrender and open yourself to receive to all that is here for you in these moments, in this space.
Imagine a wave of energy beginning to flow through you, this wave of energy of welcoming soft strength that begins fill you, continue to receive this energy light, feeling more relaxed and open to receive. Feel this energy, letting it fill you, feeling it surround you.
Now let this wave of welcoming soft energy light begin to fill your beautiful heart-center, this place of your essence and soul., feel it expand within you, connecting with the gentle courage and strength that is there in your beautiful heart, the feeling of this courage that is there within you . Believe and become aware, sensing this knowing, that in your life and in your world, this bravery and fearlessness is here. Bring forward this strength ,and courage with dignity that is here (there) in your heart, feel it in your body , in your mind, this power that is gentle, yet firm .This courage that brings determination to accomplish and create what you need in your life , giving you the strength and courage to move forward, and do what you know within yourself that is right and true for you, bring your focus to it, and feel this courage, this bravery , this gentle strength within you, feeling this courage and strength grow inside you, as you continue to receive the soft energy of light that is there flowing though you,
As you hear the sound of the crystal bowl, let this welcoming soft strength and courage energy expanding more within you.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling your courage, your strength, now open your eyes staying with this feeling that is there and keep it with you in your day and your life.
Creating with Intention
Creating with Intention Transcript
Find a nice quiet place, and allow yourself to get comfortable, either on a chair, or a cushion on the floor. Now straighten your spine, close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and release any tension you are holding in your body and in your mind, now surrender and open yourself to receive all that is here for you in these moments and in this space. To allow yourself to go to that place within you, your creative center, deep within our belly, to be able to envision and create what you would like to experience, to connect with, and to receive in your life. Now begin to feel yourself sinking further and further into the space beneath you and Imagine a soft cloud of light embracing and supporting you, allowing yourself to let go even more, feeling yourself to sink further and further into this soft space of light beneath you, feeling so good to let go.
Now begin to and imagine and feel a beautiful bright light of energy that is filled with inspiration and joy, beginning to feel this powerful bright light of energy embracing you, and then feeling and sensing this light begin to fill you, Let this light begin relax your mind, feeling it fill your mind with this beautiful inspirational creative light, moving down to your eyes, relaxing your eyes, your jaw, feeling your jaw relax, this light moving down into your neck and your shoulders, feeling your shoulders relax as you let go of any tension being held, feeling so good to let go, as you connect deeper into this soft space below you, connecting deeper within yourself, feeling peaceful and calm, feel this light moving down through your arms, into your palms, and fingertips feeling the sensation inside your fingertips. Feel this beautiful inspirational light begin to enter into your heart center, feeling your heart center open and expand, moving down into your belly, filling your creative center with this light, expanding this center, feeling it open becoming more connected with it, moving down to your hips, your thighs feeling your thighs , relax your calves, ankles and into your feet and toes feeling the sensation inside of your toe tips, feeling yourself sink further into the soft cloud of light beneath you, feeling yourself go deeper connecting even more into this deep state of connection and relaxation within you, feeling peaceful and calm being able to create you intention, your wish and desire easily.
Now imagine a cave with a candle burning deep within your belly, your creative center, connecting deeper within this center as you take a seat behind your candle making yourself comfortable here deep within this sacred center. Focus on the flame of the candle and with each breath feel yourself going deeper connecting within you, feeling open and ready to create and receive all that comes forward for you here in this time and space.
Open yourself to receive, then feel yourself surrender and start to bring forward your intention, your wish, your desire with no limits, no boundaries, let it come forward and unfold as you create it, imagine it, feel and sense it, and then open to it, feeling yourself connect with this light and inspiration that’s there within you, and then open yourself up to so much more, let go….let go., to what you would like to create, experience, to connect with and receive in your day, in your life. Let the images, thoughts, sense and feelings, whichever way it is coming to you, and allow yourself to let go and continue letting it flow through you, then let go and receive it in the way that is best for you.
Continue to be in this energy and surrender to this creative light that is here for you and within you, feeling the awe, the joy, the gratefulness, and power of knowing that you are fully supported by this light, by the universe to create your life as you intend. Feel the joy in this light embracing you, and the feelings, the sense it brings to your body, your mind, your essence. Feeling lighter, brighter, more expansive, full of joy, inspired as you continue to receive what is coming forward to what you are envisioning and creating, open yourself to all the gifts that are here for you.
Let this energy and creative light continue to work with you, feeling lighter, more expansive, joyful and inspired as you start to come back into your body feeling bright and clear stepping into your day, your life, knowing your intention is here waiting for you to receive it, let it unfold, stay open to this energy.
Now open your eyes and enjoy the gifts and intentions the universe and you have created together and then let go and allow it to unfold in the way that is best for you and have a beautiful day.
Abundance Transcript
Welcome to the Mii amo destination spa Mii Time Meditation Series. This Mii Time meditation focuses abundance.
Begin to bring your focus to your breath. Inhale, and as you exhale, release any tension that may be held in your body. Feel your body sink further into wherever you are sitting. Your body will begin to feel lighter and more relaxed.
Now bring your awareness to your heart center and allow yourself to begin to receive. Imagine a beautiful light of abundance begin to enter into your heart center. Then let it move and fill each part of your body, feeling grateful for this beautiful light of abundance. Feel this abundance within you–all around you. Begin to feel grateful, and feel joy in your body, and in your life.
Now bring an intention forward on where you want this abundance to manifest in your life. Begin to see it. How does it look? See it overflowing in your life. Then, begin to feel as if it is already there. How does it feel to have it? Be grateful for it. Continue to let this beautiful light of abundance into your life as you intend. It is always there for you. Feel it. Keep allowing yourself to connect with it and receive it.
Now start to bring your mind and your body back to this space. Feel relaxed, joyful and grateful for the overflowing abundance you have just received.
Thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day.
Welcome to the Mii amo destination spa Mii Time Meditation Series. This Mii Time meditation focuses on energy flow.
Find a nice, relaxed, comfortable position to sit. Either on a chair, the floor or on a cushion–whatever is best for you. Keep your back straight and rest your hands wherever they are comfortable. Begin to bring your awareness to the sound of water, imagining yourself sitting next to a peaceful stream, feeling your body start to relax.
Now place your feet into this stream, feeling the smooth, flowing, cleansing, warm water going over your feet and ankles, with the current of water moving away from you.
Now begin to cleanse and clear all that is being held within you. Any emotions, stress, memories, even those you might not be aware of. Bring them forward and feel them moving out of your toes into the stream and the water taking it all the way. Keep cleansing and clearing, feeling more bright and clear.
Your body feeling lighter, letting the flow of water move over and through you. Continue to connect to the sound of the smooth, flowing stream and take a moment to connect with this space within you.
Keep your awareness on this sense of feeling more clear and bright, and start to come back to your body, back to this time and space, keeping it with you throughout your day.
Thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day.
Mindfulness Transcript
Welcome to the Mii amo destination spa Mii Time Meditation Series. This Mii Time meditation focuses on mindfulness.
Find a nice, relaxed, comfortable position to sit. Either on a chair, the floor or on a cushion–whatever is best for you. Keep you back straight and rest your hands wherever they are comfortable. Take a deep breath in, and exhale out through your fingers and toes, releasing the tension from your body and mind.
Now bring your awareness to the top of your head, and imagine a loving and pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe, resting above your head.
Now start to bring this light in through the top of your head, moving down into your eyes, relaxing your eyes, then down to your nose, your jaw, feeling your jaw relax.
Now feel this light move down your neck and shoulders. Releasing all that you may be holding there, feeling your shoulders relax, then down through your arms to your fingers, releasing any tension through your fingertips.
Now bring this light to your heart center, filling it with this loving, bright light. Taking a moment feeling this loving energy within this space. And now feel this energy move down to your belly, your hips, feeling your hips relax, down to your thighs, your knees, claves, focus on your calves. Down to your ankles and toes. And continue to feel your whole body relax.
Now bring your awareness to your breath and begin to breathe from your belly in a nice, natural breadth. As you inhale, feel your belly expand, and as you exhale feel your belly fall. Keep focusing on your breath, and with your third eye, imagine a candle within your heart center and with each breath becoming more aware of the flame of the candle. Aware of this loving light within you as you inhale and exhale. And continue to focus on this candle as you breathe.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to the space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself seated here, feeling your toes, your legs, your fingers. Now open your eyes and continue your awareness of this loving light within you throughout your day.
Thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day.
Peace Transcript
Welcome to the Mii amo destination spa Mii Time Meditation Series. This Mii Time meditation focuses on peace.
Find a nice, relaxed, comfortable position to sit. Either on a chair, the floor or on a cushion–whatever is best for you. Keep your back straight and not too tight, and rest your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bring your mind to your body. Beginning to release any tension that might be held. Feeling yourself sink into the space below you.
Now start to bring your awareness into your breath as you inhale and exhale. And now bring your awareness to your heart center. And imagine a bright light within the center of your heart feeling a sense of warmth and of peacefulness. Begin to focus on this light, and with each breath, a wave of peaceful begins to fill your heart even more. Take a moment and feel this peace within you. As this wave of peace fills your heart, watch it expand and getting brighter and feeling lighter.
Now begin to let this wave of peacefulness enter in through the top of your head, down through your brain, relaxing and feeling peace within your mind. Down to your nose, your chin, down through your neck and shoulders into your arms, and down to your fingertips. Feel this wave of peace coming back into your heart, down to your belly, your hips, your legs and down to your toes. Now take a moment and enjoy this peacefulness within you.
Keep your awareness of the sense and feeling of peace and start to come back to your body back to this time and space and keeping it with you throughout your day.
Thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day.
Resilience Transcript
Close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the space below you. Allow yourself to let go and to release any tension you are holding in your body and open yourself to receive all that is here for you.
Imagine a very pure bright light of energy coming down from the universe resting just above your head, allowing this light to enter in through the top of your head, moving down into your mind,, relaxing your mind, down into your neck and your shoulders releasing any tension, moving down through your arms into your palms and fingertips. Move this beautiful bright light energy into your heart center feeling your heart center filling it with love and light feeling this energy in your heart center, moving down into your belly, your hips, your legs, down into the soles of your feet and your toes, feeling so relaxed and more open to receive. Now bring your mind deep within yourself, within your belly imagine a cave with a candle burning, go into the cave taking a seat behind your candle making yourself comfortable here focusing on the flame. Start to bring forward that resilience that is within you, your ability to adapt and to recover quickly from any stress, emotion and change that comes up for you in your day, your week, and your life. Tune into and feel your resilience and strength that brings you mental clarity, feeling the positive views on your life along with a seeing a bright outlook and attitude on all that is happening in your life, and in our world , knowing that you will get though whatever life brings with all of its changes and conditions, you have done this before, you have it all within you. Feeling the resilience and strength that’s already there, feel it grow and expand within you, allow and feel yourself being open, flexible and willing to adapt to changes that come your way, letting you recover quickly and with ease back to the beautiful strong and resilient being that you are, seeing the positive in it all, looking at it from a higher view with compassion and care, knowing that this too shall pass and you will be OK, feel this truth in your body also knowing you will become even more strong and resilient from it all. Allow yourself to become aware of the gifts all around you, from the feeling of the warm sun on your face, to the comforting sound and connection of a familiar voice of a friend or a loved one, nourish yourself with these positive energies and connections, from the food you eat to the company you keep, and the information you allow into your mind and body.
Feel yourself connect to this resilience within you, your ability to cope, to adapt, to recover and spring-back easily and quickly, stay aware and connected with it, and let it carry you though your day.
As you hear the sound of the bowl, allow it to move through you expanding this energy even more within you.
Now start to bring your mind back to your body, back to this space of the here and now. Coming back to yourself, feeling your fingers and toes, feeling relaxed, clear, resilient and joy, open your eyes.